Beech River

In 1948, the Beech River Club got started under the leadership of Noble Hearst Blakey “Red” Bagwell. He became a Shriner in 1939, and has been a guiding light to many of the Nobles through the years. This club is made up of men from Henderson and Decatur counties - principal towns in the area are Lexington and Parsons. Meetings have been held in places designated by the leaders at the time to serve the best interests of the Nobles involved.

In addition to serving Al Chymia in those counties, the club also had some members who wanted to expand into other activities that might attract more Nobles. This led to the formation of the Beech River Shrine Club Motor Corps in 1971. The history of this unit is given in another area of this site. It has been a working unit that has done good things in performing for the Shrine.

Current meeting places and times are posted in the “Alchemist” and any Noble living or visiting in the vicinity is invited to meet and work with the club. Acknowledgment must be made to the many fine Nobles who have made this club a vital and active part of Al Chymia Temple through the years.

Current President

2021 - Alan Jackson


Past Presidents

1948 - H. B. Bagwell
1949 - A. F. Tolley
1950 - John W. Dodd
1951 - J. C. Long
1952 - Floyd Richardson
1953 - A. L. Bowman
1954 - Calvin Baker
1955 - W. B. Townsend
1956 - J. T. Steward
1957 - H. D. Pevahouse
1958 - C. A. Fesmire
1959 - Harold White
1960 - R. F. Olds
1963 - L. E. Pevahouse
1964 - Sam Person
1965 - Rev. Edwin Duesner
1966 - Oscar Jowers
1967 - Herbert Davis
1969 - Madison Scott
1970 - Sam - R. Hay
1971 - A. C. Tuten
1972 - Calvin Shugart
1973 - W. Douglas Hays
1974 - W. T. Johnson
1975 - Cliff Bullock
1976 - Bill Pomeroy
1977 Vaughn Miller
1978 - Houston Maxwell