Carroll County

This club was begun in 1949 - its members formerly belonged to the Triangle Shrine Club for Carroll, Benton and Henry counties. Noble 0. B. Enochs was the first president of the Carroll County Club; he had also served in this capacity for the Triangle Club in 1945 and 1946. Dr. Akins served in 1947, and C. E. Bolen was the last President of the Triangle Club in 1948. Since there was enough to form a club at Paris for Henry County, it brought an end to the need for the Triangle Club.

Under the leadership of Noble Enochs and H. K. Smith, this club operated as such until about 1953. It languished for awhile, and was reorganized as Lakeview Shrine Club in about 1972. Noble John H. Hogan was the President, and the club was active until about 1976. In 1976, it was changed to Twin-County for Benton and Carroll counties. In 1977, the members decided to go back to the present name of Carroll County Shrine Club, again under the leadership of Noble John H. Hogan. Harold B. Brummitt became President for 1978. Most of the time this club has been in Huntingdon, but at times it has served Camden, Bruceton, and other communities in Benton County.

Al Chymia Temple appreciates the many good things done by this club through the years, and particularly thanks the leaders for providing inspiration to the members along the way.


Bill Lemons - President
Tommy Foster - VP
JD Crockett - Secretary/Treasurer
- Chaplain

Meet 5th Tuesday @ Mallards Restaurant


Past Presidents

2020 - Darryl Douglass