Classic Cars

The Classic Car Unit was formed from the Old Thunderbird Unit and has grown to be one of the favorite units in the Temple. Our roster boasts many regular members, two Life Members and numerous Honorary Members.

We have a mixture of Nobles from other units as well as new Nobles who were never active in any unit. Of our regular members we have three Past Potentates.

The Classic Car Unit’s main purpose is to provide transportation for all the Divan members at all Al Chymia parades and functions.

Any Noble interested in joining our unit should know we meet at the Temple on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m.

In addition to transportation for the Divan, we have several functions always planned to show off our Classic Cars.


Pat Collins - President
- VP
- Treasurer
- Secretary

Meet 3rd Wednesday


Past Presidents

Charlie Moore - 2020