Famous Shriners

CY Young

Brother Young, according to records at the Grand Lodge of Ohio, received his Entered Apprentice Degree on February 1, 1904; his Fellowcraft Degree on February 15, 1904; and his Master Mason Degree on February 29, 1904, all in Mystic Tie Lodge, #194, in Dennison, Ohio.

Rex David “Dave” Thomas

Rex David “Dave” Thomas (July 2, 1932 – January 8, 2002) was an American businessperson and philanthropist. Thomas was the founder and chief executive officer of Wendy’s, a fast-food restaurant chain specializing in hamburgers. He is also known for appearing in more than 800 commercial advertisements for the chain from 1989 to 2002, more than any other company founder in television history.

Dave Thomas was born on July 2, 1932 in Atlantic City, New Jersey to a young unmarried woman he never knew. He was adopted at six weeks by Rex and Auleva Thomas, and as an adult became a well-known advocate for adoption, founding the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. After his adoptive mother’s death when he was 5, his father moved around the country seeking work. Thomas spent some of his early childhood near Kalamazoo, Michigan with his grandmother, Minnie Sinclair, who he credited with teaching him the importance of service and treating others well and with respect, lessons that helped him in his future business life.

At 12, Thomas had his first job at Regas Restaurant, a fine dining restaurant in downtown Knoxville, Tennessee, then lost it in a dispute with his boss; decades later, Regas Restaurant installed a large autographed poster-photo of Thomas just inside their entrance until the business closed down December 31, 2010. He vowed never to lose another job. Moving with his father, by 15 he was working in Fort Wayne, Indiana at the Hobby House Restaurant owned by the Clauss family. When his father prepared to move again, Dave decided to stay in Fort Wayne, dropping out of high school to work full-time at the restaurant. Thomas, who considered ending his schooling the greatest mistake of his life, did not graduate from high school until 1993, when he obtained a GED.

In the mid-1950s, Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Col. Harland Sanders came to Fort Wayne to find restaurateurs with established businesses in order to try to sell KFC franchises to them. At first, Thomas, who was the head cook at a restaurant, and the Clausses declined Sanders’ offer, but the Colonel persisted and the Clauss family franchised their restaurant with KFC and later also owned many other KFC franchises in the Midwest. During this time, Thomas worked with Sanders on many projects to make KFC more profitable and to give it brand recognition. Among other things Thomas suggested to Sanders, that were implemented, was that KFC reduce the number of items on the menu and focus on a signature dish. Thomas also suggested Sanders make commercials that he appear in himself. Thomas was sent by the Clauss family in the mid-1960s to help turn around four failing KFC stores they owned in Columbus, Ohio.

By 1968 Thomas had increased sales in the four fried chicken restaurants so much that he sold his share in them back to Sanders for more than $1.5 million. This experience would prove invaluable to Thomas when he began Wendy’s about a year later.

After serving as a regional director for Kentucky Fried Chicken, Thomas became part of the investor group which founded Arthur Treacher’s. His involvement with the new restaurant lasted less than a year before he went on to found Wendy’s.

Thomas opened his first Wendy’s in Columbus, Ohio, November 15, 1969. (This original restaurant remained operational until March 2, 2007, when it was closed due to lagging sales.)[10] Thomas named the restaurant after his eight-year-old daughter Melinda Lou, whose nickname was “Wendy”, stemming from the child’s inability to say her own name at a young age. According to Bio TV, Dave claims himself that people nicknamed his daughter “Wenda. Not Wendy, but Wenda. ‘I’m going to call it Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers’.”

In 1982, Thomas resigned from his day-to-day operations at Wendy’s. However, by 1985, several company business decisions, including an awkward new breakfast menu and loss in brand awareness due to fizzled marketing efforts, caused the company’s new president to urge Thomas back into a more active role with Wendy’s. Thomas began to visit franchises and espouse his hardworking, so-called “mop-bucket attitude.” In 1989, he took on a significant role as the TV spokesperson in a series of commercials for the brand. Thomas was not a natural actor, and initially, his performances were criticized as stiff and ineffective by advertising critics.

By 1990, after efforts by Wendy’s agency, Backer Spielvolgel Bates, to get humor into the campaign, a decision was made to portray Thomas in a more self-deprecating and folksy manner, which proved much more popular with test audiences.[13] Consumer brand awareness of Wendy’s eventually regained levels it had not achieved since octogenarian Clara Peller’s wildly popular “Where’s the beef?” campaign of 1984.

With his natural self-effacing style and his relaxed manner, Thomas quickly became a household name. A company survey during the 1990s, a decade during which Thomas starred in every Wendy’s commercial that aired, found that 90% of Americans knew who Thomas was. After more than 800 commercials, it was clear that Thomas played a major role in Wendy’s status as the country’s third most popular burger restaurant.

Dave Thomas was raised a Master Mason in Sol. D. Bayless Lodge No. 359 of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and became a 32° Mason, N.M.J., on November 16, 1961, in the Scottish Rite Bodies of Fort Wayne. He affiliated with the Miami, Florida, Scottish Rite Bodies on December 18, 1991; was invested with the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander Court of Honour on November 13, 1993, in Jacksonville, Florida; and was coroneted an Inspector General Honorary, S.J., on November 25, 1995, in Atlanta, Georgia, and unanimously elected to the Scottish Rite’s highest honor, the Grand Cross, by The Supreme Council, 33°, in Executive Session on October 3, 1997, in Washington, D.C.

Col. Harland Sanders

Col. Harland Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurants. He began selling fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky, during the Great Depression. Sanders identified the potential of the restaurant franchising concept, and the first Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) franchise opened in Utah in 1952. The company’s rapid expansion across the United States and overseas saw it overwhelm the ageing Sanders, and in 1964 he sold the company to a group of investors.

He was initiated in Henryville (Indiana) Lodge No. 651 in 1917, and affiliated with Hugh Harris Lodge No. 938 in Corbin, Ky, in 1953. He was also a 33º Mason and a noble of Oleika Shrine, Lexington, Ky.

William Frederick Cody aka “Buffalo Bill”


Platte Valley Lodge No. 32, North Platte, Nebraska
Entered Apprentice: March 5, 1870
Fellowcraft: April 2 1870
Master Mason: January 10, 1871

1887 member of Euphrates Chapter No. 15, Royal Arch Masons, of North Platt, Nebraska

1889 member of Palestine Commandery No. 13. North Platt, Nebraska

1892 Tangier Temple of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of Omaha, Nebraska.

1894 He became a member of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States of America in the Valley of New York City.

In the American Civil War (1861–65), he worked for the U.S. Army as a civilian scout.
In 1867–68 he hunted buffalo to feed construction crews on the Union Pacific Railroad.

Cody acquired a reputation not only for accurate marksmanship but also for total recall of the vast terrain he had traversed, knowledge of Indian ways, courage, and endurance. He was in demand as a scout and guide.

He was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1872, but the award was revoked in 1916 on the ground that he was not an officer or an enlisted man in the army (scouts were classified as civilians). The U.S. Army restored the Medal of Honor to Cody posthumously in 1989.

In 1883 Cody organized his first Wild West exhibition—a spectacular featuring fancy shooting, a buffalo hunt, capture of the Deadwood (S.D.) stagecoach, a Pony Express ride, hard-riding cowboys, and yelling Indians. His stars included Annie Oakley, the famous rifle shot, and, in 1885, Chief Sitting Bull.

His Wild West show so popular that by 1883 it appeared at the Chicago World’s Fair and four years later was presented to Queen Victoria during her Golden Jubilee.

Harold C. Lloyd Star

Harold C. Lloyd Star of silent films and movie producer. born April 20, 1894 in Burchard, Nebr. Attended high school in Denver, Colo. and San Diego, Calif.

He began his motion picture career as an extra at the age of 19 with the Edison Co. at San Diego, and was later with Universal and other Hollywood film companies. In 1914 he joined Hal E. Roach. In his comedies, he won world fame as a symbol of American youth—hornedrimmed glasses (no lenses in the frames) and a straw hat. He appeared in more than 250 comedies, a record that few stars can approach. Among his pictures were a one-reel series known as Lonesome Lukes, Sailor Made Man, Grandma’s Boy, Dr. Jack, Safety Last, Why Worry, and others.

In 1923 he organized the Harold Lloyd Corp. and produced Girl Shy, Hot Water, The Freshman, For Heaven’s Sake, The Kid Brother and Speedy. His first talking picture was Welcome Danger. He produced Professor Beware, and for R.K.O., A Girl, a Guy and a Gob.

James Cash Penney

Founder of the J. C. Penney Co., Inc., the world’s largest department store chain, with more than 1700 stores in all 48 states, doing an annual sales of over one billion dollars. Born Sept. 16, 1875 in Hamilton, Mo.

A graduate of Hamilton (Mo.) High School, he attended in 1949 the Masonic cornerstone laying of a new high school building at Hamilton, for which he and his sister gave more than half of the $250,000 cost. He holds honorary doctorates from eleven colleges and universities. He founded the J. C. Penney Co. in 1902, and is now honorary chairman of the board. Known as “the Golden Rule merchant,” he quit using the word “employee,” and called each of his 90,000 workers an “associate,” giving each a share in the profits in addition to a salary.

After the 1929 stock market crash, Penney lost his fortune, and wound up beaten and despondent, at 56, in a sanitarium, but proved that his method was sound by borrowing money and staging a comeback in which he recouped his fortune. Penney has influenced great numbers of young people through his business operations, Christian youth movements, and by talks, articles, and letters. His own comeback from the depths of financial and mental depression was made possible by a sudden and dramatic rekindling of Christian faith within him.

He received his degrees in Wasatch Lodge No. 1, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 28, May 19, and June 2, 1911. In 1955 he became a dual member of United Services Lodge No. 1118, New York City. He is a member of Utah Chapter No. 1, R.A.M., Utah Council No. 1, R. & S.M., and Utah Commandery No. 1, K.T., all of Salt Lake City. He has contributed generously to the Masonic temple of that city. He received the 32° AASR (SJ) in Utah Consistory No. 1, April 23, 1936, KCCH, Oct. 24, 1941, and 33°, Oct. 16, 1945. He has addressed many Masonic groups. In April, 1958 he was presented the gold distinguished service award by the General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, at Kansas City, Missouri.

Gene Autry

Singer, actor, producer, writer of screen, stage, radio and TV. b. Sept. 29, 1907 at Tioga, Texas.

Graduated from Tioga high school in 1925. Began as a railroad telegraph operator in Sapulpa, Okla. in 1925. Autry made first phonograph record of cowboy songs in 1929; radio artist WLS, Chicago, 1930-34; motion picture director since 1934; actor since 1934.

His first picture was In Old Santa Fe and since that time he has starred in 55 musical Western feature pictures. Joined Army Air Force in 1942 as technical sergeant and discharged in 1945 as flight officer. With the advent of TV after WW2 he produced and starred in many productions. He has written over 250 songs including Silver-Haired Daddy of Mine (1931); You’re the Only Star in My Blue Heaven (1938); Dust (1938); Tears on My Pillow (1941); Be Honest With Me (1941); Tweedle O’Twill (1942).

Raised in Catoosa Lodge No. 185, Catoosa, Okla. in 1927. Life member of Long Beach, Calif. AASR (32°) and life member of Al Malaika Shrine Temple, Los Angeles, Calif.

Danny Thomas

Danny Thomas (born Amos Muzyad Yakhoob Kairouz) was an American nightclub comedian and television and film actor and producer, whose career spanned five decades. Thomas was best known for starring in the television sitcom Make Room for Daddy (also known as The Danny Thomas Show). He was a active Shriner and also the founder of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Initiated, passed, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason at Gothic Lodge #270 F&AM located at Hamilton Square, NJ on March 15, 1984 by special dispensation of the NJ Grand Master.
On May 1985, he was made a 32° Mason and was also a Noble in Al Malaikah Shrine. Thomas also filmed the introduction to the Masonic Service Association’s movie, “When the Band Stops Playing”. Calif. AASR (32°) and life member of Al Malaika Shrine Temple, Los Angeles, Calif.

Kris Kristofferson

American singer, songwriter, musician, actor, and U.S. Army serviceman. He is known for writing and recording such hits as “Me and Bobby McGee,” “For the Good Times,” “Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down” and “Help Me Make It Through the Night.” Kristofferson is the sole writer of most of his songs, and he has collaborated with various other figures of the Nashville scene such as Shel Silverstein.

In 1985, Kristofferson joined fellow country artists Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash in forming the country music supergroup, The Highwaymen. In 2004, Kristofferson was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. He is also known for his acting work, including starring roles in Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore and A Star Is Born, the latter for which he won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor.

Jay Waverly North

American actor born August 3, 1951. Beginning a prolific career as a child actor at the age of six, he became a household name during the early 1960s for his role as the well-meaning but mischievous Dennis Mitchell on the CBS situation comedy Dennis the Menace, based on the comic strip created by Hank Ketcham.

As a teen, North moved on to roles in the MGM feature films Zebra in the Kitchen and Maya, as well as starring in the NBC television series adaptation of the film, also titled Maya. As an adult, he turned to voice acting work for animated television series, voicing the roles of Prince Turhan in the Arabian Knights segment of The Banana Splits Adventure Hour and a teenaged Bamm-Bamm Rubble on The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show.

After leaving show business and disclosing the truth of a troubled childhood as a child actor, North began working with fellow former child star Paul Petersen and the organization, A Minor Consideration, using his experiences as a child performer to counsel other children working within the entertainment industry.
Lake Butler Lodge No. 52 F.& A.M., Florida

Charles Lindbergh

32 Degree Mason and Shriner Charles Lindbergh. Brother Lindbergh was a Lifetime Member of Keystone Lodge #243 in St Louis.

Audie Murphy

In 1955, Audie Murphy became interested in Freemasonry. Encouraged by his close friend, Texas theater owner Skipper Cherry, Audie petitioned and joined the Masonic Order in California. Later he returned to Texas to conduct his 32 degree work where he joined the Shriners. Audie remained active in various masonic events and was a member of good standing at the time of his death.

Audie received his first degree in Masonry when he was regularly initiated, February 14, 1955 through the North Hollywood (California) Lodge No. 542 F & AM (Ancient Free and Accepted Masons). He was passed to the 2d degree of Fellowcraft on April 4, 1955. On June 27, 1955, he was raised to the 3d degree of a Master Mason.

Later, he became a dual member with Heritage Lodge No. 764 F & AM (North Hollywood, California) on May 14, 1956.

John Wayne

Marion Mitchell Morrison (May 26, 1907 – June 11, 1979), known by his stage name John Wayne and by his nickname “Duke”, was an American film actor, director, and producer. An Academy Award-winner for True Grit (1969), Wayne was among the top box office draws for three decades.

An enduring American icon, for several generations of Americans he epitomized rugged masculinity and is famous for his demeanor, including his distinctive calm voice, walk, and height.

Glenn Ford

Gwyllyn Samuel Newton “Glenn” Ford (May 1, 1916 – August 30, 2006) was a Canadian-born American actor from Hollywood’s Golden Era with a career that lasted more than 50 years. Despite his versatility, Ford was best known for playing ordinary men in unusual circumstances.

Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc (The man of a thousand voices - Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig)

A life-long member of Mid Day Lodge No. 188 in Portland, he received his Entered Apprentice degree on November 20, 1930, and was passed a Fellowcraft on January 5, 1931. Blanc was raised a Master Mason on March 12, 1931.

Brother Blanc continued Masonic related activity becoming a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Los Angeles, taking his degrees from June 14 through June 16, 1951, giving his occupation as a “motion picture voice artist,” and Al Malaikah Shrine Temple on June 29, 1951. Given his God-given talents, one might correctly expect Noble Mel to be drawn to Shrine Hospital work. In his autobiography he wrote, “when I was teenager, I used to pass by the Portland Shrine Hospital located not far from my parents home. Hearing about the work they did with crippled children was what initially piqued my interest in the fellowship and prompted me to seek admission.”

Red Skelton

Richard Bernard “Red” Skelton (July 18, 1913 – September 17, 1997) was an American entertainer. He was best known for his national radio and television acts between 1937 and 1971, and as host of the television program The Red Skelton Show. Skelton, who has stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his work in radio and television, also appeared in vaudeville, films, nightclubs, and casinos, all while he pursued an entirely separate career as an artist.

He was raised a Master Mason in Vincennes Lodge No. 1 on September 20, 1939. He held membership in both the Scottish and York Rite Bodies. He was the recipient of the General Grand Chapter’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Service in the Arts and Sciences.

On September 24, 1969, he was coroneted an Inspector General Honorary Thirty-third Degree in Boston, Massachusetts, by the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite. Also, he was a member of the Al Malaikah Temple in Los Angeles, California, and he received the Grand Lodge Award of Gold from the Grand Lodge of Indiana in 1993.

Frank Stallone

Actor and brother of Sylvester Stallone

Jack Dempsey

Boxing Heavyweight Champion

J Edgar Hoover

Founder and Director of the FBI

Roy Clark

Musician and Entertainer

Ernest Borgnine


Roy Rogers

Roy Rogers was an American singer and cowboy actor who was one of the most popular Western stars of his era. Known as the “King of the Cowboys”, he appeared in over 100 films and numerous radio and television episodes of The Roy Rogers Show.

Gerald Ford

38th President of the United States

President Gerald R. Ford was Initiated in Malta Lodge No. 465 in Grand Rapids, Michigan on September 30, 1949. Columbia Lodge No. 3, District of Columbia, conferred the degrees of Fellowcraft and Master Mason on Brother Ford as a courtesy to Malta Lodge on May 18, 1951. Brother Ford’s father, Gerald R. Sr., a 33rd degree Mason presented the lambskin apron.

He received the Scottish Rite degrees in the Valley of Grand Rapids in 1957 and created a Sovereign Grand Inspector General Honorary 33rd degrees, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, in 1962. This is the highest honor that can come to an honorary member of the Northern Supreme Council of the A.A.S.R.

Joined Saladin Shrine Temple, A.A.O.N.M.A.S. in 1959.

Member of Court No. 11, Royal Order of Jesters.

Honorary Member, DeMolay Legion of Honor.

Earl Warren

1891 - 1974

Chief Justice, Former Governor of California

Douglas MacArthur

1880 - 1964

Military General

Norman Vincent Peale

1898 - 1993

Minister, Author and Self-Help Pioneer

Rev. Norman Vincent Pearle, 33°, who served as an inspiration to many generations through his sermons, addresses, and writings, died at his home in Pawling, N.Y., on Dec. 24, 1993, but the words he expressed will live on.

For more than 50 years he was senior pastor at the historic Marble Collegiate Church in New York City. His previous pastorates were in Berkeley, R.I., Brooklyn, and Syracuse, N.Y.

He was noted for many books and articles, but the most renowned was The Power of Positive Thinking, which sold more than 18 million copies world-wide. He often took part in radio and television broadcasts.

In 1930, he married Ruth Stafford, and they were the proud parents of two daughters and a son. He and his wife published the monthly Guideposts magazines, with inspirational religious messages, and also established the Center for Christian Living.

Dr. Peale was raised a Master Mason on March 3, 1926, in Midwood Lodge No. 1062, which consolidated in 1970 with Lexington Lodge NO. 310 to become Midwood Lodge No. 310. He was Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New York, 1948-51.

He completed the degrees of the Scottish Rite in the Valley of Syracuse in 1928, and affiliated with the Valley of New York City in 1934. In recognition of his outstanding service to humanity, he was the recipient of the 33° in 1959. In 1973, Dr. Peale was awarded the Gourgas Medal, the highest honor bestowed by the Northern Jurisdiction, and in 1987 received the Grand Cross from the Southern Jurisdiction.

Dr. Peale was a former Imperial Chaplain of the Shrine of North America and a Grand Prelate of the Grand Encampment, Knights Templar, U.S.A.

In a February 1993 article for the Southern Jurisdiction’s Scottish Rite Journal, Dr. Peale responded to religious criticism of the fraternity by offering his views on the importance of Freemasonry:

“To me, Freemasonry is one form of dedication to God and service to humanity. I am proud to walk in fraternal fellowship with my Brethren. Why am I a Freemason? Simply because I am proud to be a man who wants to keep the moral standards of life at high level and leave something behind so others will benefit. Only as I, personally, become better, can I help others to do the same.”

Clark Gable


Bud Abbott

William Alexander “Bud” Abbott - 1895 - 1974

Actor and Entertainer, best known as the straight man for the comedy team of Abbott and Costello.

Burl Ives

Singer, Actor and Entertainer.

Magnolia Lodge (now Magnolia-La Cumbre Lodge) No. 242 in Santa Barbara, California.

Created a Noble at Al Malaikah Shrine Temple, Los Angeles, Nov. 5, 1977.

International Order of DeMolay, Dec. 5, 1927, Illinois.

Scottish Rite - Made a Master of the Royal Secret 32 May 21, 1977, Santa Barbara, CA.

Dual member Valley of Bellingham, WA.

Invested a K.C.C.H. Oct. 21, 1985.

Coronetted a 33 I.G.H. Oct. 21, 1987, Long Beach, CA.

Elected Grand Cross, the Scottish Rite’s highest honor, by The Supreme Council, Oct. 1993 in Washington, DC.

York Rite, Royal Arch Mason, Corinthian Chapter No. 51, Santa Barbara, CA. Apr. 8, 1978.

Cryptic Mason, Ventura Council No. 15, Ventura, Apr. 14, 1978.

Knight Templar, St. Omer Commandery No. 30, Santa Barbara, Apr. 15, 1978.

Shrine, inducted at Al Malaikah Shrine Temple, Los Angeles, Nov. 5, 1977.

Red Cross of Constantine, a Conclave at Los Angeles.

Franklin Roosevelt

32nd President of the United States

Holland Lodge No.8, New York City; 32nd Degree, Albany Consistory, Albany, NY; Tri-Po-Bed Grotto, Poughkeepsie, NY; Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Warwick, NY; Cyrus Temple, Albany, NY

Harry Truman

33rd President of the US Belton Lodge #450, Belton, MO; Grandview Lodge #618, Grandview, MO; Grand Master of Missouri; Ararat Shrine Temple, Kansas City, MO

Warren Harding

29th President of the United States

General Norman Schwarzkopf

Noble of ANSAR Shrine

Michael Richards

Actor, Comedian

Best known for playing Cosmo Kramer on the hit TV show “Seinfeld.”

Noble Richards is a member of Al Malaikah Shrine in Los Angeles.

Charles F. Pabst

Physician and dermatologist who originated the term “athlete’s foot.” born Dec. 3, 1887 in N.Y.C. Received M.D. degree from Long Island Coll. Hospital in 1909.

Has been chief of clinic for skin diseases at Greenpoint hospital since 1915. In WWI he was medical officer in charge of treatment of skin diseases at U.S. Naval Hospital, Norfolk, Va. An expert swimmer, he has saved several persons from drowning. In 1934 he gave the government an inexpensive, non-patented formula for fireproofing ships, clothing, and fabrics.
He called attention to the widespread prevalence of ringworm infection on feet and started a campaign against bare feet. He pointed out the dangers of overexposure to the summer sun and gave the term “heliophobe” to individual whose skin will not tan.

Raised in Aurora Grata Day Star Lodge No. 756, Brooklyn, N.Y. on Nov. 29, 1921. 32° AASR (NJ) Knight Templar and member of Kismet Shrine Temple, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Hubert Horatio Humphrey, Jr.

1911 - 1978

U.S. Vice-President

Irving Berlin

Born Israel Isidore Baline (May 11, 1888 – September 22, 1989)

American composer and lyricist, widely considered one of the greatest songwriters in American history.

He received the first of his Three Degrees of Freemasonry in Munn Lodge, New York City on May 12, May 26 and June 3, 1910, becoming a life member of the Lodge on December 12, 1935. Berlin received the 32° Scottish Rite (Northern Masonic Jurisdiction) on December 23, 1910 and was also initiated as a Shriner into Mecca Shrine Temple on January 30, 1911, becoming a life member of the Shrine in December 1936.

Don DeFore


Donald John “Don” DeFore (August 25, 1913 – December 22, 1993) was an American film, radio, and television actor. DeFore is best known as Erskin “Thorny” Thornberry, the Nelson family’s neighbor on the long running sitcom The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet and as George “Mr. B.” Baxter on the 1960s sitcom Hazel.

Royal Dano

November 16, 1922 – May 15, 1994 was an American film and television character actor.

Born in New York and drawn to the theatre from his youth, Dano was a tall and rugged supporting actor with piercing blue eyes and deep resonant voice.

His career spanned the years from 1950 to 1993. He appeared in over 80 feature films including “The Red Badge of Courage”, “Moby Dick”, “The Trouble With Harry”, “King Of Kings”, “The Great Northfield, Minnesota Raid”, “Electra Glide in Blue”, The Outlaw Josie Wales” and “The Right Stuff.”

Cecil Blount DeMille

1881 - 1959

Movie Director, Producer, Writer, Actor

Little Jimmy Dickens

Country Music Hall of Fame

James Cecil Dickens (December 19, 1920 – January 2, 2015), better known as Little Jimmy Dickens, was an American country music singer famous for his humorous novelty songs, his small size, 4’11” (150 cm), and his rhinestone-studded outfits (which he is given credit for introducing into country music live performances). He started as a member of the Grand Ole Opry in 1948 and became a member of the Country Music Hall of Fame in 1983. Before his death he was the oldest living member of the Grand Ole Opry.

Roy Acuff

Roy Acuff (September 15, 1903 – November 23, 1992) was an American country music singer, fiddler, and promoter. Known as the “King of Country Music,” Acuff is often credited with moving the genre from its early string band and “hoedown” format to the star singer-based format that helped make it internationally successful.

Acuff began his music career in the 1930s, and gained regional fame as the singer and fiddler for his group, the Smoky Mountain Boys. He joined the Grand Ole Opry in 1938, and although his popularity as a musician waned in the late 1940s, he remained one of the Opry’s key figures and promoters for nearly four decades.

Foster Brooks

Foster Brooks (May 11, 1912 – December 20, 2001) was an American actor and comedian most famous for his portrayal of a lovable drunken man in nightclub performances and television programs.

Brooks regularly appeared on The Dean Martin Show television program in the 1970s (for which he garnered an Emmy Award nomination in 1974) as well as many situation comedies, talk shows, and a few films. Although he had only one basic signature character, he exhibited such extraordinary timing and subtlety that he was instantly recognized as one of the great comic performers of the time.[citation needed] His signature routine was the basis of a hit comedy album titled Foster Brooks, The Lovable Lush, released in the early 1970s. As his “Lovable Lush” character, Brooks usually portrayed a conventioneer who had had a few too many drinks — not falling-down drunk, but inebriated enough that he would mix up his words and burp to comedic delight. Brooks is most affectionately remembered for his appearances on The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast shows.

Edgar Buchanan


“That’s Uncle Joe, he’s moving kind of slow, at the junction. Petticoat Junction!”

(March 20, 1903 – April 4, 1979) was an American actor with a long career in both film and television, most familiar today as Uncle Joe Carson from the Petticoat Junction, Green Acres and The Beverly Hillbillies television sitcoms of the 1960s. As Uncle Joe, he took over as proprietor of the Shady Rest Hotel following the 1968 death of Bea Benaderet, who had played Kate Bradley.

Buchanan appeared in all 222 episodes of Petticoat Junction, the only actor from the show to do so, as well as in 17 episodes of Green Acres, and three episodes of The Beverly Hillbillies, in each as the crusty character, Uncle Joe Carson. From 1960 to 1962, he appeared four times on the NBC western series Laramie, with John Smith and Robert Fuller. Buchanan made two guest appearances on Perry Mason: in 1958 as a small-town coroner in “The Case of the Perjured Parrot,” and in 1962 as a small-town judge in “The Case of the Lurid Letter.”

Johnny Cash

John R. “Johnny” Cash (February 26, 1932 – September 12, 2003) was an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, actor, and author, who was widely considered one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century and one of the best-selling music artists of all time, having sold more than 90 million records worldwide.

Johnny Cash was not a Mason, but he was a Shriner. While it is in most cases necessary for one to be a Mason before becoming a Shriner, the Shrine does extend honorary membership to individuals from time-to-time, usually in relation to their selfless works of charity and philanthropy, and such was the case with Johnny Cash when he was awarded a Shrine membership in the early 1980’s.

Walter Percy Chrysler

Walter Percy Chrysler (April 2, 1875 – August 18, 1940) was an American automotive industry executive and founder of Chrysler Corporation

Colonel Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin

Colonel Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin
Astronaut and 2nd man to walk on the moon.
Claer Lake Lodge #1417, Seabrook, TX.
Noble of Arabia Shrine in Houston, TX
Valley of Houston 33rd Degree Scottish Rite.
Order of DeMolay Hall of Fame member.
Took Masonic flag to the moon in 1969.

Credits to Sweetwater Shrine Club for photos and articles