The Musketeers began in 1923 within the Walking Patrol Unit and was created as a social club for its own members. It continued as such until 1927 when it was incorporated as the Musketeers. Incorporation was done with the idea of becoming an International group. This did not prove successful. Later, membership was opened up to the General Nobility and had a maximum limit of one hundred Nobles.
Potentate Wray Williams in 1945 asked the Temple to accept the sponsorship of the Crippled Children’s School and change the name to the Shrine School for Handicapped Children, Inc. He is recognized as the founder of this school and remained active through the years in guiding its development, until his death.
From a modest beginning, this project has proven to be very successful in the area of teaching handicapped children. Originally, one bus was outfitted to transport these children to school and has since grown to a fleet of forty specially outfitted handicapped buses. Special services for the children have been provided by working with various agencies to provide occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, as well as complete dental and eye care.
During the school year of 1976-1977, the Memphis City School System opened the beautiful new Shrine School. The Shrine School provides an excellent education to children who would have no other means to better their lives and is dedicated to this goal. In addition to the educational benefits, they learn to interact with other children through classroom work and on the playground.
The Musketeers and their Ladies meet each month at the Temple on the first Thursday and enjoy dinner, fellowship and conduct business.
MUSKETEERS meet the second Thursday of the month at 6 pm various restaurants.
Officers are ….
David Weddell - President 901 326 3123
Gibby Thomas- Vice President 901 489 6522
Buster Miller - Treasurer 901 289 3493
Wayne Bonner - Secretary
Past Presidents
1937 - Floyd Harvey
1938 - E.T. Ferguson
1944 - Ben D. Funk
1945 - Arthur R. Sample, P.P.
1946 - Lloyd Serber
1947 - Downie Wilson
1948 - Dick Bailey
1949 - John Camp
1950 - Thomas Y. Owens
1951 - Robert E. Beloate
1952 - James I. Dallas, P.P.
1953 - Jack Pipkin
1954 - George H. Holley, P.P.
1955 - Minor Madison
1956 - Buford Wallace
1957 - Arthur L. Cox
1958 - J. J. “Babe” Jackson
1959 - Char1es D. Kelly
1960 - S. F. Morley
1961 - S. L. “Les” Tubbs, P.P.
1962 - W. T. Callicutt
1963 - Paul Bonham
1964 - John J. Boyd
1965 - Allen Smith
1966 - Raymond Stuart
1967 - Robert N. Shephard
1968 - Raymond E. Shook, P.P.
1969 - Charles C. Ogan
1970 - John C. Franklin and Carl Higginbotham
1971 - John W. Shumate
1972 - Nat Nichols
1973 - A. B. Williams, P.P.
1974 - Bob Hagenhoff
1975 - Kenneth J. Gordon
1976 - Chris Craft
1977 - Larry M. Chitwood
1978 - Hiram Pope
1979 - Clyde Miller
1980 - Carlton Ashley
1981 - Fred Bell
1982 - Bob Stagner
1983 - Don Frazier
1984 - Charles Kahn;
1985 - Oscar Madewell
1986 - James Miller
1987 - Manny Yergin
1988 - Paul Hicks
1989 - Ken Koehler
1990 - E. Blair Goins
1991 - Keeton Thompson
1992 - Jim Bettendorf
1993 - Jim Norman
1994 - Wayne Williams
1995 - Merrill Varner
1996 - Joe Gann
1997 - Bob McGoldrick.