The yearly fee is $30.00, the Initiation Fee is $100 (which includes a Shooting Vest
and first years dues). The Vest is the property of the Unit not the individual.
We meet monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 7 pm at a designated location or the Shrine Unit Room. In the past we have attended Friends of NRA dinners as a group and have gone through the NRA Range Safety Officer’s class as a group. We vary the shooting monthly at members cost between indoor and outdoor locations. We have individuals interested in shotguns to which we shoot skeet, trap, and sporting clays. In pistol shooting we have three indoor ranges plus one outdoor range that rifles can be used at as well. If anyone does not have a particular weapon that we might be shooting we have several members that can furnish a loaner during our shoots. We are looking at the possibility of shooting against teams from other Temples for future activities.
If you have any questions or are interested in joining please contact one of the following:
Harold Hobaugh 901-568-1738
Al Owings 901-351-1801